Intercontinental Champion Big E Langston Vs Curtis Axel

Prediction for the Intercontinental Championship match at Survivor Series!

We saw the Intercontinental title changing hands at RAW this week.(18 November 2013) Big E won the Intercontinental title from Curtis Axel.It was Big E's first title achievement in WWE. That match was AWESOME! The match was dominated mostly by Big E Langston. Curtis Axel sold the moves from Langston pretty well too! A BIG ENDING from Langston gave Langston the win. However, Curtis Axel's reign as the Intercontinental Champion was quite good too. No doubt,Big E will be a GOOD IC champ.

Triple H announced in an exclusive interview with Michael Cole that Curtis Axel will be getting his Intercontinental title rematch at the Survivor Series PPV. WWE will probably not let Big E lose his title on his first title defense. Big E is pretty over with crowd too so I see a no need for the title to go back to Axel's hands. I think WWE will be turning Axel into a babyface after this match at SurvivorSeries. He is no longer a Paul Heyman guy too..

Prediction: BIG E retains the title.