Slammy Awards 2013(Thoughts on some awards,not all)

Here are my thoughts on the 2013 edition of the Slammy Awards. Firstly, i would like to congratulate Daniel Bryan for winning the superstar of the year,Beard of the year and Fan participation awards. He really deserves it.It was also quite hilarious to see Shawn Michaels present the superstar of the year award to Daniel Bryan!  Maybe 2013 is really Daniel Bryan's year! Can't wait to see what's installed for Daniel Bryan in 2014. The Shield brought back home the breakout star of the year award. The Shield really did lots of impressive things during their first year. They really deserve that award too. Hashtag of the year went to The Shield too! #BelieveInTheShield won it.

Double cross of the year went to the Heart Break Kid,Shawn Michaels. He won that for costing Daniel Bryan the WWE championship at Hell In A Cell 2013. Honestly,i felt that Mark Henry's "retirement" speech should have gotten the award. Henry really made the WWE universe believe that he was retiring. But anyway,congratulations to Shawn Michaels!

Extreme moment of the year went to CM Punk. CM Punk beating up Paul Heyman on top of the Hell in a cell structure got Punk the award.

Match of the year went to Rock Vs Cena at Wrestlemania 29. That match was AWESOME but I was quite shocked by the results. I really thought that Punk Vs Taker will get that award,but... i was wrong. This outcome made many WWE fans frustrated. Brock Lesnar Vs CM Punk at SummerSlam should get nominated for the match of the year award,in my opinion.


Congratulations to all those superstars who won the awards! Those superstars that did not win it,its alright. You will get one in the future too!