Royal Rumble predictions.

Rhodes Brothers Vs The New Age Outlaws (KickOff Show) 

The Rhodes Brothers will defend their tag team titles against New Age Outlaws at the 27th annual Royal Rumble. 

Prediction: New Age Outlaws becomes the New Tag team champions 

Daniel Bryan Vs Bray Wyatt 

Daniel Bryan looks to get his revenge on Bray Wyatt after what the Wyatt Family had put him through over the past weeks. 

Prediction: Daniel Bryan wins

Brock Lesnar Vs Big Show 

Two machines will collide in the WWE ring. This match is sure to be a GOOD one!

Prediction: Brock Lesnar wins.

John Cena Vs WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton 

John Cena will get his rematch against Randy Orton at the 27th annual Royal Rumble. The winner will walk out holding two titles. 

Prediction: John Cena wins

The 30 man Royal Rumble match!

The road to Wrestlemania begins here. The winner of this match will get a title shot against the WWE World Heavyweight Champion at the main Event of WM 30. 

Prediction: Either Batista,Ziggler,Bryan or Roman Reigns wins the Royal Rumble match.

These are my predictions for the 2014 Royal Rumble PPV. Any questions or feedback,you can contact me on Twitter @RealTeamCena_.