Hi guys! Welcome to my first ever RAW review. Raw reviews will only be done if I have the time. Alright,
enough of my introduction,let's get the Review starting!
Raw started off with an in ring segment between Triple H,Randy Orton and Batista. Randy Orton and Batista made Triple H frustrated and this led to a big decision made by Triple H. He announced that he will be involve in the title match at Wrestlemania 30 if he wins Daniel Bryan. So basically Triple H Vs Daniel Bryan at Wrestlemania 30,is a No.1 contender match for the WWE World Heavyweight championship main event at Wrestlemania 30. High stakes added to the Daniel Bryan Vs Triple H match.
The Usos Vs The Real Americans
This was the first match of the night featuring 2 of the best tag teams in WWE currently. Lots of good action from these two teams. The best thing I saw in this match,was Swagger's teamwork. Swagger sacrificed himself and got the kicks from The Usos. I am actually surprised by the fact that Swagger and Cesaro did not argue with each other throughout the whole match. Exciting match. If you haven't check this match out,I suggest that you check it out.
Sheamus Vs Titus O Neil
A match featuring two powerhouse wrestlers with Christian at ringside. Sheamus was accompanied by Hornswoggle at ringside. Titus O Neil has an amazing strength. He is a good heel too. The match ended with a brogue kick by Sheamus. After the match, Sheamus announced that he will be involved in the 30 man over the top rope Andre The Giant match at Wrestlemania 30. After announcing, Christian gave Sheamus a beat down. Overall,this was quite a fast match.
John Cena responded to The Wyatt Family
John Cena comes out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. John Cena says that he is actually afraid of Bray Wyatt but he promised the Cenation that he will give his best at Wrestlemania 30. Then out comes Bray Wyatt on the screen. He was wearing Cena's shirt and wristbands. He cuts an amazing promo hyping his match with John Cena at Wrestlemania 30. Currently, Bray Wyatt is invincible at cutting promos in WWE. It is probably going to be one hell of a match at Wrestlemania 30 between these 2 wrestlers. As Jim Ross wrote on his blog, this match is going to be a show stealer at Wrestlemania 30.
Daniel Bryan Vs Randy Orton (No DQ)
Another solid match between Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton on RAW. This was a NO DQ match therefore steel chair and Kendo sticks were used in the match. Daniel Bryan pinned Orton due to the spear from Batista. Imagine this happening at Wrestlemania 30.
Paul Heyman's segment
Paul Heyman's comes out on behalf of his client,Brock Lesnar and hypes about the streak match at Wrestlemania 30. I got to say that Paul Heyman had indeed made some interesting points about Brock Lesnar and The Undertaker. As always,Paul Heyman spoke fantastically on the mic.
Fandango Vs Goldust
This was a fun match to watch. Goldust was mocking Fandango by dancing in the ring. After the match,Goldust was seen to be injured.
Kane called out Jerry "The King" Lawler
Corporate Kane called out Jerry Lawler and he said that Jerry Lawler played a part in helping Daniel Bryan to occupy Raw. Kane engaged The Shield to punish Jerry by attacking him. However instead of attacking Jerry,The Shield betrayed Kane and started attacking Kane. They powerbombed Kane. This was probably signifying The Shield's face turn.
Big Show,Mark Henry,Dolph Ziggler & Big E Vs Alberto Del Rio,Damien Sandow&RyBAXEL
Ordinary 8 man tag team match. "Let's Go Ziggler" chants were heard from the crowd. Towards the ending,superstars were thrown over the top rope one by one. Thus leaving Big Show and Damien Sandow. Big Show ended the match by giving a chokeslam to Sandow.
Kofi Kingston Vs Bray Wyatt
An easy match for Bray Wyatt. This match lasted only for 6 minutes plus.
Ending of RAW
Triple H and Daniel Bryan's so called "man to man" talk ended with Bryan getting assaulted by Triple H,while handcuffed. This has made their rivalry even more personal. I feel that this is actually a great way to keep the WWE universe more engaged to the storylines. A classic way of ending Raw. Triple H has proven that he can be a ruthless heel. I can't wait for their match at Wrestlemania 30. Nice ending to Raw, I would say.
That's all for my RAW review. If you have any feedbacks,you can tweet it to me @RealTeamCena_. Thank you for reading my first ever RAW review!