The 30 Best Wrestlemania Matches

#20 John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels – WrestleMania 23

In his first WWE Title Match at WrestleMania in nine years, Shawn Michaels pushed WWE Champion and fellow World Tag Team Champion, John Cena to the limit in a show-stopping, nearly half-hour long instant classic at WrestleMania 23.It was a fierce, personal battle waged in front of 80,000-plus at Detroit’s Ford Field, in which each Superstar found a way to reverse his opponent’s signature maneuvers. While Cena avoided Sweet Chin Music, Michaels squirmed out the Attitude Adjustment and the STF. 

The action was intense and unpredictable, with HBK even hitting the champion with a brutal piledriver onto the steel steps.Cena, however, endured and at the height of the action finally caught Michaels in the debilitating STF for the submission victory on The Grandest Stage of Them All. For Mr. WrestleMania, it was a tremendous addition to his unmatched Show of Shows legacy, even in defeat. For Cena, it represented one of the highlights of his career and concrete proof that he could hang with the best of them on The Showcase of the Immortals.

Article and Photos from: WWE.COM