How would I book The Shield after they break up.

The Shield is probably one of the most dominant stables in WWE. They will be remembered by the WWE Universe for their powerbombs.They debuted in 2012 and look at what they have achieved. But it's kind of sad that they will be breaking up soon. We have been seeing cracks in The Shield recently. It's only a matter of time that they go into their separate ways... So how would I book them after they split up? 
                Dean Ambrose
Dean Ambrose is a guy that has AWESOME mic skills and can sell moves well. He is probably the voice of the shield. I actually love his promos. However to be honest,he is not my favourite member in the shield. From May 2013 till now(March 2014),he has been holding the United States title. I feel that he should be defending the title just like how other champions defends their titles. Dean Ambrose is natural heel. So after he leaves The Shield,he can actually become a Paul Heyman guy. Dean Ambrose can speak very well just like Paul Heyman. With this,this duo can actually be one of the dominating duos in WWE. Being a Paul Heyman guy can actually boost Ambrose's career too. This is how I will book Dean Ambrose after he leaves The Shield. 

                       Seth Rollins
Seth Rollins is my favourite member in The Shield. Why? I am actually a fan of his aerial skills. He is like another Kofi Kingston. I believe that once The Shield breaks up,Seth Rollins will become a face. That actually suits him. Once he leaves The Shield,he can actually form a tag team with Kofi Kingston just like Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston (Air Boom) in 2011. This team will also add to the tag team division and make it even better with a high flying team just like The Usos. So this is how I will book Seth Rollins after The Shield breaks up. 

                   Roman Reigns
As Michael Cole would say, Roman Reigns is the muscle of The Shield. Yes he indeed is! Roman Reigns is probably the one that is going to win the big ones among the three of them in The Shield. He nearly won a chance to the main event of Wrestlemania 30. It was his first Royal Rumble appearance and he eliminated 12 other superstars. A new record set by him. So how would I book him after The Shield breaks up? Roman Reigns can be a main event wrestler. He has proved it before that he can be a main event player.  He will be the WWE World Heavyweight champion soon. MARK MY WORDS. There is a possibility that Roman Reigns will be the top star in WWE. Being a champion is how I will book Roman Reigns after The Shield splits. 

This is how I will book The Shield after they break up. Let's see how it goes...

 If you have any feedbacks, you can tweet it to me @RealTeamCena_.