WWE Raw Review 24th March,2014

Raw started off with segment including Stephanie Mchmahon,Randy Orton and Batista. Stephanie gave Batista a slap then Batista speared Orton. I felt that the segment was somehow not solid.

Fatal Four Way No.1 Contender match for the IC Title

This was probably one of the best matches of the night. 4 former World Champions went against each other to be the No.1 contender for Big E's Intercontinental title. This match got the Brooklyn crowd chanting "This Is Awesome!" Sheamus,Christian,Alberto Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler are all former champions and main eventers. So what happens if you put these four in a match together? An awesome match!

Sin Cara Vs Damien Sandow

Sin Cara came out with a Scooby Doo mascot. He went one on one with Damien Sandow. I just don't understand why Damien Sandow keeps losing matches. From a money in the bank winner to a jobber.... Sandow should have won here. 

Ryback & Curtis Axel Vs Los Matadores

Los Matadores got the win here due to The Shield's distraction. The Shield distracted RyBAXEL due to the fact that RyBAXEL gave the Shield a beat down on Smackdown last week. I sense an incoming match between The Shield and RyBAXEL before Wrestlemania 30. A quick match between Los Matadores and RyBAXEL. 

Michael Cole's interview with HHH

Instead of conducting an interview on the WWE website,Michael Cole conducted the interview in the ring on the episode of RAW. For 2 weeks in a row,Triple H has delivered awesome promos! Yes,Triple H gave another solid HEEL promo again. I am excited for Bryan Vs Triple H at Wrestlemania 30. The build up has been great!

Big Show Vs Titus O Neil

A match featuring two big guys. Big Show got the win via the knockout punch. It is kinda sad that Titus O Neil has been jobbing lately. Given his strength and charisma,he should be winning matches instead of losing... My idea is to have Titus O Neil team up with another heel superstar like Damien Sandow to form a HEEL tag team. 

Luke Harper Vs John Cena

A rematch from last week's Smackdown. In terms of Wrestling skills,I can safely say that Luke Harper is the best in The Wyatt family.  This match got the crowd chanting "Let's Go Harper!". As usual,Cena got a mixed reaction from the crowd. This was a solid match between these two wrestlers. After the match, the lights went out and when the lights came back,John Cena was wearing Erick Rowan's sheep mask with his hands tied to the ropes. The buildup to Cena/Wyatt at Wrestlemania 30 is GREAT! 

Rollins & Ambrose Vs Real Americans 

I really enjoyed this match. Rollins dives and high flying manuevores were simple awesome. Seth Rollins is highly underrated. What an enjoyable match produced by these two teams. I felt that Rollins was the highlight of the match. Seth Rollins is highly underrated. Cesaro suffered a beat down from The Shield after that match. Roman Reigns speared Cesaro and then followed by The Shield's triple Powerbomb to Cesaro through a table. Overall, this was a great match with lots of action.

Undertaker and Brock Lesnar face to face

Firstly,I would like to acknowledge that Brock Lesnar's new Tshirt is splendid! Eat. Sleep. Break The Streak. Repeat. 
Taker and Lesnar going face to face, was the closing segment of Raw. Undertaker coming out from the casket was classic. As usual, Paul Heyman was golden on the mic.  I feel that Lesnar should have gotten the upper hand instead of Taker getting the upper hand. However,it was a decent way to end RAW. 

Overall Raw Thoughts: A decent show with a couple of solid matches. The build up to Wrestlemania matches is looking to be good! 

Raw ratings: 7/10