Raw Results ( June 9 2014):

Seth Rollins Broke His Silence

Well, enough about the poor Mr. Ambrose and Mr. Reigns, onto the rich and prosperous Mr. Rollins. Breaking his silence with a sit-down interview alongside Michael Cole, the Hounds of Justice’s resident turncoat did just that. With a demeanor as snug as the black-on-black suit that he wore to the ring, Rollins defended his right to destroy his own creation and denounced the “lunatic” Ambrose and “golden boy” Reigns as inferior competitors who rode his coattails to success.

Rollins also revealed he subscribed wholeheartedly to Triple H’s “evolve or perish” philosophy, and hadn’t so much sold out as bought into a better opportunity than the “business relationship” he’d had with The Shield. Having said his words, Rollins then dared The Shield to make good on their earlier promise to make him eat them, but The Aerialist took flight when the timely arrival of The Wyatts provided him cover for a quick escape. It took none other than John Cena to even the odds and send The Wyatts scurrying, which led to the upside: Looks like The Shield found themselves a partner.