The 50 greatest matches in Raw history re-ranked

#50 John Cena, Hulk Hogan & Shawn Michaels vs. Christian, Tomko & Chris Jericho (June 27, 2005)

In a special Six-Man Tag Team Match on the June 27, 2005, episode of Monday Night Raw, three generations united as John Cena lived the dream of many WWE Superstars and fans by teaming up with Hulk Hogan and Shawn Michaels.
In a battle against Christian, Tomko and Chris Jericho, HBK surprised Cena with their partner, The Hulkster. The match stands out as a true milestone in Raw’s history as three of WWE’s biggest Superstars of all time successfully joined forces. Hulk Hogan even paid tribute to Cena after The Hulkster dropped Tomko with a clothesline and performed the Cenation leader’s trademark taunt, “You can’t see me!”

Hogan, Michaels and Cena were victorious and following the contest, Cena and HBK stood in the ring and posed with The Immortal One. 

#22 Rob Van Dam vs. Edge vs. John Cena: WWE Championship Triple Threat Match (July 3, 2006)

With no disqualifications and no count-outs, the action was bound to be frenzied as Rob Van Dam defended his WWE Title against Edge and John Cena in a Triple Threat Match. Surprisingly, the champion wasn't the biggest target as the match began, with Van Dam and Cena fighting over who got to dish out more punishment to Edge. The collusion didn't last long and all three competitors hammered away at each other, thrilling the sold-out Philadelphia crowd with near-pinfall after near-pinfall.
After Cena dodged RVD's Five-Star Frog Splash, it appeared the Cenation leader was moments away from victory when he connected with an Attitude Adjustment. The Ultimate Opportunist, however, was already plotting his next move while he lurked on the arena floor. Before Cena could cover "Mr. Monday Night," Edge snuck back into the ring and clobbered Cena with the WWE Title, then pinned Van Dam. In the blink of an eye, The Rated-R Superstar had shocked the WWE Universe and captured his second WWE Title.

#20 John Cena vs. Cesaro (Feb. 17, 2014)

The best John Cena bouts are those in which WWE’s “Man of Steel” seems uncharacteristically outmatched. That rare vulnerability was on display when the 14-time World Champion tested his strength against a burgeoning Cesaro — not yet the winner of the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal or an anointed Paul Heyman Guy — and, for a time, seemed to be the lesser man. 
Already revered by a small cross-section of indie wrestling devotees but not yet a topflight WWE Superstar, Cesaro finally lived up to the hype by flinging Cena through the air as if he were a cruiserweight and then greeting him with smash mouth European uppercuts after gravity had done its thing. The Cenation leader did eventually come out on top — even after Cesaro reversed the AA in specatular fashion by landing on his feet — but the night still belonged to The Swiss Superman. We have to believe that somewhere Paul Heyman was watching.

#14 Rey Mysterio vs. John Cena: WWE Championship Match (July 25, 2011)

When CM Punk absconded with the WWE Title following his victory over John Cena at Money in the Bank, Mr. McMahon announced a tournament to crown a new champion. Rey Mysterio defeated three Superstars en route to winning his first WWE Title, but Cena, who did not receive entry into the tournament, was given an immediate chance to regain the title from Mysterio.
Wrestling his second WWE Championship Match in one night, Mysterio took on Cena in a competitive back-and-forth affair. Both Superstars looked to have the match won on several occasions, but each finishing combination was reversed to provide a dazzling level of unpredictability. In the bout’s thrilling conclusion, the champion looked to have Cena in position for the 619, but Cena’s “never give up” mantra shone through. He snatched his opponent, threw him onto his shoulders, and executed a picture-perfect Attitude Adjustment to become WWE Champion for the ninth time. 

#7 John Cena vs. CM Punk: No. 1 Contender's Match (Feb. 25, 2013)

On the Feb. 25 edition of Raw, John Cena and CM Punk squared off for the opportunity to challenge then-WWE Champion The Rock at The Show of Shows. With the match of a lifetime on the line, Cena shocked Punk by reversing the Anaconda Vise into a pinfall that almost ended the match. The Straight Edge Superstar did everything he could to wear down the 11-time WWE Champion.

The two Superstars threw everything but the kitchen sink at each other. Punk kicked out of the Attitude Adjustment and Cena, the GTS. Just as Cena escaped the Vise, Punk survived Cena’s STF. Out of pure desperation, Punk spiked  Cena with a piledriver that brought a hush over the arena, the announcers and the WWE Universe.
But destiny was on Cena’s side. The Champ evaded Punk’s top-rope elbow, unleashed a surprising hurricanrana and followed up with an Attitude Adjustment to win. It was, perhaps, the greatest example of the lengths Superstars are willing to go to in order to have their name etched in history at WrestleMania.

#1 John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels (April 23, 2007)

When WWE Champion John Cena and Shawn Michaels stepped in the ring for a WrestleMania 23 rematch, the WWE Universe knew they were in for a great contest. What they ended up witnessing was something the likes of which had never been seen on Monday nights.

These two warriors put on a mat classic, battling for the entire second hour of Monday Night Raw. The Cenation leader did his best to repeat his WrestleMania success against HBK, but Michaels simply had no quit in him this night. The WWE Hall of Famer weathered Cena’s offensive assault all around ringside, frustrating the champion. When Cena finally looked to have HBK on the ropes, Michaels proved once again why they call him The Showstopper. He flipped out of the Attitude Adjustment and decked The Champ with Sweet Chin Music for the win, putting a thrilling cap on a classic match.
