Raw Results (July 14 2014):

Roman Reigns confronted WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena

RICHMOND, Va. – The old saying says that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Apparently nobody told Roman Reigns this, because the former WWE Tag Team Champion – and potential WWE World Heavyweight Champion – hasn’t made any bones about keeping the current titleholder, John Cena, in his sights despite having two Authority members in the Fatal 4-Way title match as well.

Tensions between the two seemed ready to boil over before their Six-Man Tag Team Match against Randy Orton, Kane and Seth Rollins, and even some peacekeeping from their partner, Dean Ambrose, didn’t seem to do the trick. Unfortunately, their problems increased exponentially when Ambrose – addressing his partners from a undisclosed location – was jumped by The Authority. The Lunatic Fringe was unimpressed with his initial beating, daring the corporate goons to give him their best. He got a Curb Stomp to a crate courtesy of Rollins, and was sent to a local medical facility shortly thereafter.

WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena & Roman Reigns def.Randy Orton,Kane & Seth Rollins via DQ

Two can defeat three, as it turns out, but at a cost. Operating at a disadvantage and with no small amount of internal tension, John Cena & Roman Reigns found themselves mired in an uphill battle against Randy Orton, Kane & Seth Rollins from the word go of Raw’s main event. The most dire moment came when Cena – Ric Flair's personal pick in the Fatal 4 way- suffered a sleeper hold and the Three Amigos from Seth Rollins in short order. That he managed to tag Reigns was a minor miracle, but the good luck ended there as quickly as a black cat crossing: After a nasty spill that tweaked Rollins’ knee and removed him from the match, Orton and Kane rounded on Reigns and beat him to the point of disqualification.

The attack kicked off a four-way brawl that ended with Orton’s tension boiling over via an RKO to Kane and Reigns spearing both Cena and Orton end the show on a high note. So, to recap, as Battleground approaches, alliances are tenuous at best, Plan Bs and Plan Cs are in play, and the WWE World Heavyweight Champion has nothing to count on but the endorsement of a Hall of Famer. May the best man win.

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