Raw results: July 7, 2014

WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena def. Seth Rollins via Disqualification

Seth Rollins isn’t all talk after all. Set to battle John Cena in the main event of Raw, The Aerialist took the fight to The Champ in a big way, breaking out the most dynamic moves from his deep catalogue – hello, spinning chinlock – and very nearly spelling doom with a leaping enziguiri to Cena on the top rope. The Champion of Champions rallied to connect with the Five-Knuckle Shuffle, and even though Rollins escaped the Attitude Adjustment, Cena locked in the STF to strand his opponent in the middle of the ring … and then all hell broke loose.

First, Kane made his entrance to distract Cena. Then, Randy Orton slithered in from behind to help the demon batter The Champ. Roman Reigns arrived to fend off The Authority, and Rollins attempted a cash-in of his Money in the Bank contract, which was foiled in feral fashion by – hello boys, he’s back – Dean Ambrose. The night ended with Reigns making a last-minute save of Cena when Orton went for a final strike and a mutual show of respect between the two Superstars. It may be the last time that happens though. Once Battleground begins, all bets are off.