What entrance themes do superstars wish they had?

Entrance envy. It happens. Even the Superstars who have the most identifiable themes in all of WWE — the John Cenas, Randy Ortons and Daniel Bryans of the world — have personal favorite songs that they’d consider entering the ring to.

Don’t believe us? Well, we’ve got proof: WWE.com asked 10 Superstars and Divas whose entrance music other than their own they’d like to have. Then, just for fun, we edited videos showing how it might look if, for example, AJ Lee skipped into action to the sound of … well, read on and you’ll see!

John Cena chose Ric Flair's entrance

There’s obviously a great deal of mutual respect between the all-time record-holder for World Title reigns, Ric Flair (16 reigns), and the runner-up, John Cena (15). But The Champ’s admiration for The Nature Boy extends well beyond Flair’s incredible accolades. According to the Cenation leader, if he could pick anyone else’s song, it’d be Flair’s theme, Richard Strauss’ “Also Sprach Zarasthura,” which was made famous by the 1968 Stanley Kubrick sci-fi classic, “2001: A Space Odyssey.”

Cena’s rationale for wanting the song was straight and to the point: “Watch the movie.”

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