Power Rankings- August 30 2014

John Cena is ranked 3rd in this week's edition of Power Rankings.

John cena Dealing With Injuries

There has been talk within WWE for about 6-8 weeks that John Cena is still having problems with his shoulder but is now having more problems with his neck. These are longterm nagging issues that Cena has been dealing with.

It was also said that there are a lot of people within WWE keeping an eye on Cena to see where he will be going forward in regards to acting and not wrestling as much.

There are also people within WWE who say Cena appears to be in pain and they believe Cena has slowed down physically in the way he moves.

Source: WrestlingInc.com

Raw Results: August 25 2014

A WWE Hall of Famer Forum discussed the John Cena- Brock Lesnar Rematch

ANAHEIM, Calif. – Having been brutalized by Brock Lesnar, John Cena faced, perhaps, his second-worst challenge of the past month: a grilling from a council of WWE Hall of Famers. In the midst of preparing for his rematch against The Beast Incarnate at Night of Champions, Cena was forced to listen to less-than-favorable analysis from Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels – Hulk Hogan was his lone advocate of the forum. When the Cenation leader did make his entrance , he offered a respectful but forceful rebuttal to the Hall of Famers’ hot take. When all was said and done, Cena left the Legends with a promise that he would return the beating he was given at SummerSlam.

John Cena,Big Show and Mark Henry defeated The Wyatt Family

The Wyatts do not go quietly into defeat, but when faced with the largest team on the planet and a former World Champion looking to send a message, defeat is all but inevitable. For the majority of the match, Luke Harper & Erick Rowan continued their rivalry with Big Show & Mark Henry, with the swamp giants teeing off in tandem against the two former World Heavyweight Champions.

Bray Wyatt seemed more interested in celebrating his magnificence than capitalizing after Big Show was all but dispatched, and suffered a chokeslam in response. Cena entered off Show’s tag and quickly tapped out Harper with the STF, though he had time for a few more messages. Specifically, Attitude Adjustments to each member of The Wyatt Family.

John Cena DVD Update

WrestlingDVDNews.com reports that Cena vs. Eddie Guerrero a #1 contender's tournament match from the 4/3/2003 SmackDown and Cena vs. CM Punk from the 11/23/2009 RAW will be included on the set.

WWE Stockton Live Event Result (August 22 2014)

John Cena defeated Kane in a street fight.

Power Rankings: 23 August 2014

John Cena is ranked 5th in this week's edition of Power Rankings.

John Cena,Stephanie McMahon,and other WWE superstars reveal their favourite games:

These folks do a lot of traveling, so it makes sense they'd be more into games they can take on the go. John Cena openly admitted that he mostly left console gaming behind after the Super Nintendo era when he used to go in on Tecmo Super Bowl.

“Tecmo Bowl the original was only eight on eight. Super was 11 on 11, kept the same field view, and had player profiles, and had kept stats. As a bit more of a sports gamer, that was the end-all-be-all.”

But what does WWE's franchise player play on the road? “Clash of Clans. I like easy to pick up and play stuff,” he said. “That's why I'm so crazy about certain apps, because they're easy to get into.”

Cena went on to talk more about what the term gamer even means. “I think anyone born in the late ‘70s, who grew up in the ‘80's...everyone from then on is a gamer, or has had an experience with games.”

He's not wrong. It's easy when you come from the enthusiast angle to consider the word “gamer” as a title you earn, or a shameful label you try to avoid, but neither of those are actually true. Would I feel comfortable calling any of the WWE Superstars I interviewed “gamers?” I can't rightfully say. I don't know if there's anyone I'd feel comfortable saddling with that classification.

What I do know is that all of them – the lawyer, the cab driver, the WWE executive (and mother of three), and this band of perpetually traveling performers – have all had memorable experience with games. What you choose to call them doesn't really matter so much as that.

Backstage News on who Hulk Hogan wants to Wrestle at WrestleMania 31

Dave Meltzer of The Wrestling Observer Newsletter noted recently that Hogan is hoping to land a match against Steve Austin or John Cena at WrestleMania 31.

Source: WrestlingInc.com

What happened after Smackdown went off air?

John Cena appeared after last night's WWE Smackdown tapings in Phoenix and got a huge pop. He cut a short promo before being interrupted by the Wyatts. The Wyatts attacked Cena, and Roman Reigns came out for the save. Reigns and Cena fought off the Wyatts and then posed in the ring to end the show.

Source: WrestlingInc.com
Photo Credit: @Jeramie on Twitter

WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar Vs John Cena at Night of Champions

Just days after losing the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in a brutal beatdown at the hands of Brock Lesnar, John Cena invoked his automatic rematch clause and will get his chance at a 16thWorld Title at Night of Champions.

The decision, announced by WWE COO Triple H exclusively on WWE Network during WWE Main Event, shocked the WWE Universe, still reeling after witnessing the pummeling Cena took from The Beast Incarnate at SummerSlam. The sadistic grin that spread across Lesnar’s usually stoic face — growing wider with every punch that connected with Cena’s head and body — is burned into the minds of fans around the world. The thought of Cena demanding another showdown with the vicious, seemingly unstoppable Lesnar may leave those who watched SummerSlam feeling more than a little uneasy.

Lesnar, no doubt, is happy to step in the squared circle with the Cenation leader once again. At SummerSlam, he toyed with Cena, showing the world what it takes to put the unbelievably resilient Superstar down. The One in 21-1 rained down a barrage of fists on the Cenation leader, pulverizing his insides. Lesnar tossed Cena around the ring with ease, dropping him on his head and neck with 16 German suplexes. Two F-5s — one at the start of the match and one at the end — brought Cena’s reign as champion to an end with a sickening exclamation point.

No one can question Cena’s heart. After all, he did last 20 minutes against the most devastating force to ever step foot in the ring. But heart only got Cena so far at SummerSlam. How far can it get him when he steps foot in the ring with The Beast Incarnate again at Night of Champions?

Can Cena reverse his fortunes? Or will Brock Lesnar give the WWE Universe a repeat performance of his championship victory? Find out at WWE Night of Champions, available live on WWE Network and pay-per-view Sunday Sept. 21, at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT.

Night Of Champions Update

While no Night Of Champions opponent was announced for Lesnar on last night's RAW, he's expected to defend against Cena in the main event of that pay-per-view.

Source: WrestlingInc.com

John Cena Return Update

John Cena will return to Raw next week.

SummerSlam 2014 Results

Brock Lesnar Defeated John Cena to become the New WWE WORLD Heavyweight Champion

At a certain point during John Cena’s WWE World Heavyweight Championship defense against Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam 2014, members of the WWE Universe had to ask themselves, “When does a match stop being a match and start being a televised assault?”

How many bodyshots did The Beast Incarnate have to lay into Cena’s flesh before The Champ’s insides turned to porridge? How many German suplexes did Cena have to suffer before the referee called it off? How many times did Brock have to F-5 the Cenation leader before the man finally stayed down?

We learned the answers to those questions some 20 minutes into the most one-sided beating of Cena’s WWE career. Two F-5’s, countless punches thrown with bad intentions, and 16 — yes, 16 — German suplexes were rained down upon The Champ by the most dominant force WWE has ever seen before The Beast Incarnate accomplished what he returned to WWE to accomplish: Become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

If Cena had a game plan going into this defense, it was to get at Brock before Brock got at him. It took guts to charge at Lesnar the way the Cenation leader did at the opening bell, but what could he possibly do? Outwrestle a former NCCA Champion? Outpunch a former UFC Champion? Barely 30 seconds into the bout, Lesnar had battled Cena back and hit him with an F-5. Our hero managed to muscle out at two, but he was barely in the fight from there. 

Lesnar has always been filled with the type of unspeakable confidence that only comes with being a world-class athlete. Snapping The Undertaker’s Streak elevated him to the status of a demigod. Omnipotence was written all over him as he brutalized Cena with the maniacal glee of a cartoon supervillain. He’d stalk his prey, rain verbal abuse down on him and then toss him across the ring like a bag of dirty clothes. Lesnar savored the cruelty the way most men enjoy a cold beer.

At first, the crowd almost enjoyed it. It’s natural for 15,000 people to shift into the type of ravenous spectators that once filled Roman coliseums. Then, the mistreatment began to mount. An endless series of German suplexes wreaked havoc on Cena’s neck. Punching sessions seemed to last forever. At one point, Brock stood on The Champ’s fingers for at least 15 seconds, smiling down on his victim as all 286 pounds of him buckled tendon and bone.

If Cena had anything going for him, it was heart. But what good is heart against the heartless?

There were exactly two moments of hope for Cena in this bout. The first came when The Champ connected with a flurry of devastating elbows to Lesnar’s head and then reversed an attempted F-5 into a successful Attitude Adjustment. For two seconds, you almost thought The Champ had done it again. A half second later, Brock’s shoulder was up. Then, Lesnar hinged at the waist and rose up like The Undertaker with a demented smile on his face. Brock was mocking The Champ, The Deadman and the WWE Universe all at once, and having the time of his life while doing it.

When Cena’s second opportunity arrived, it was already too late. Brock — by now behaving like a Bond baddie with the amount of time he was taking to punish his target — had taken his attention off the WWE World Heavyweight Champion for a moment, allowing Cena to slickly apply the STF. The man put everything he had left into the maneuver, but Lesnar powered out of it and went right back to pounding the living daylights out of his opponent. From there, he yanked Cena up, threw him into a fireman’s carry and executed the decisive F-5.

Where was The Champ’s rally? The Five Knuckle Shuffle? That knowing grin he loves to throw the WWE Universe as if to say, “Yeah, I got this one”? They weren’t on display at the STAPLES Center. The only thing that was there was a monster with a black heart and two championship titles in his death grip.

For much of the match, the voice of a lone child could be heard chanting, “Let’s go, Cena!” By the time Brock Lesnar’s hand was raised in victory, the kid had fallen silent. Dreams had been dashed. Hopes had been crushed. And a Beast had become king.

SummerSlam 2014 Predictions by WWE.COM Staffs

@JoeyStylesIt’s hard to pick against John Cena in any match because of his 15 World Championships. However, I don’t think people fully realize how impressive Brock Lesnar’s conquests are when Paul Heyman boasts about them week after week. Since returning to WWE, Lesnar has only been defeated when knocked cold by a steel chain or steel steps. Unless the rules of this match change or Cena manages to hit Lesnar with his car without the referee seeing it, the man who conquered The Undertaker’s WrestleMania Streak will defeat John Cena for his fourth WWE Championship. WINNER: Brock Lesnar

@HowardFinkelMake no mistake about it: Brock Lesnar is The Beast Incarnate and John Cena is not WWE World Heavyweight Champion via a fluke! At the beginning of this week, I felt Lesnar was going to reach the top of that championship mountain this Sunday. However, Cena’s impassioned and emotional message that he delivered last Monday on Raw swayed my thinking anew. Now I truly believe that Cena will dig down deep and find a way to outlast the grizzled Lesnar. Truth be told, it’s all or nothing for Cena in a few short days! WINNER: John Cena

Ryan Murphy: Most folks will be eyeballing this one with the same heart-in-your-gullet anticipation you get while watching a video of a gazelle lowering its head to take a drink of croc-infested water. I hesitate to assume that John Cena will be the gazelle in this scenario — the guy has beaten Brock Lesnar before — but I’ve watched enough Animal Planet to know how this is gonna turn out.WINNER: Brock Lesnar

James Wortman: This one’s gonna be ugly. Becoming even more of a force of nature after snapping The Undertaker’s undefeated streak at WrestleMania 30, Brock Lesnar won’t rest until he has pried the WWE World Heavyweight Championship from the mangled form of John Cena at SummerSlam. Not even The Champ’s unparalleled passion and dedication to the WWE Universe will save him from the horrors that await Sunday. Paul Heyman’s right: WWE is Brock’s house now, and Cena’s about to be shown the door. WINNER: Brock Lesnar

John Clapp: I believe Paul Heyman when he says John Cena will endure an unworldly beating at the hands of The Anomaly Sunday. But lose the WWE World Heavyweight Championship? To Brock Lesnar, a guy to whom the title is less about representing WWE and more about a bigger payday? I think not. The Champ is fighting for preservation, and I can’t reasonably foresee a scenario in which he gets pinned or made to submit, even by the baddest ass-kicker on the planet. WINNER: John Cena

Brock Lesnar: 3, John Cena: 2

Post SummerSlam Matches for John Cena

 Seth Rollins vs. John Cena for the WWE World Heavyweight Title is being advertised for several post-SummerSlam live events

John Cena Note

John Cena will participate in the Capri Sun Roarin' Waters Kids vs. Pros Playground Throwdown on CBS this Saturday at 1pm EST. Cena will participate in a "capture the flag" type game with kids and fellow celebrity athletes like Gabby Douglas, David Ortiz and Stephen Curry.

Source: WrestlingInc.com

Raw Results: August 11 2014

WWE World Heavyweight Champion John Cena Called out Brock Lesnar

As always, John Cena hears everything that is said about him. He’s heard the cheers, he’s heard the boos, and, most recently, he’s heard the rhetoric from Paul Heyman promising his demise at SummerSlam. So, Cena decided to take the initiative and challenge Brock Lesnar to a fight six days before he unleashes his own inner beast at SummerSlam. Of course, given that Brock Lesnar does not fight for free, The Champ’s words fell on deaf ears, so Cena was left to give a promise of his own: That, at SummerSlam, he would “conquer The Conqueror.”

John Cena's dog days of Summer

He may be a 15-time World Champion and reigning WWE World Heavyweight Champion, but John Cena is not always on his game when SummerSlam rolls around, with losses in five of his last six matches. Despite his summertime sadness, The Champ always responds in epic fashion. Re-live Cena’s last six summers with this WWE Magazine exclusive.
Pick up WWE Magazine today for more SummerSlam coverage, including the blueprint for how to beat Cena’s SummerSlam opponent, Brock Lesnar! 

Summerslam 2008: Defeated By Batista
Icons finally collided at The Biggest Event of the Summer, but Batista prevailed by catching Cena mid-air for a Batista Bomb. Cena wouldn’t score a victory over The Animal until 2010.
Next Big Win: Survivor Series 2008
After a brief stint on the sideline with an injury, Cena returned in Boston to reclaim the World Title against Chris Jericho.

SummerSlam 2009: Defeated By Randy Orton
Numerous interferences from members of The Legacy—including one from Sim Snuka who ran in from the crowd, allowed Orton to steal the win and keep the WWE Championship.
Next Big Win: Breaking Point 2009
Despite being handcuffed for a large portion of the bout in the rematch against The Viper, Cena made him say “I Quit” to capture his fourth WWE Title.

SummerSlam 2010: Defeated The Nexus
Cena formed a dream team, including Bret Hart, Chris Jericho, Edge and Daniel Bryan, to defeat The Nexus in an Elimination Tag Team Match.
Next Big Win: Tables, Ladders & Chairs 2010
After being forced to join The Nexus and then fired from WWE, Cena literally crushed the group that made his life miserable, drop 23 chairs on Bad News Barrett.

SummerSlam 2011: Defeated By CM Punk
With two WWE Championships on the line, guest referee Triple H didn't see Cena’s foot on the ropes while making his decisive count.
Next Big Win: Night of Champions 2011
Cena stole Alberto Del Rio’s prized Ferrari and captured the WWE Championship by locking The Mexican Aristocrat in the STF.

SummerSlam 2012: Defeated By CM Punk
 chaotic Triple Threat action, Cena dropped Big Show with an Attitude Adjustment, but was thrown out of the ring by CM Punk before he could capitalize.
Next Big Win: Royal Rumble 2013
Cena fell on dark days, suffering an injury, a Draw to CM Punk and a loss to Dolph Ziggler at Tables, Ladders & Chairs, but he ended the losing streak by eliminating Ryback to win the 2013 Royal Rumble Match.

SummerSlam 2013: Defeated By Daniel Bryan
Daniel Bryan knocked out Cena with the Running Knee to become WWE Champion. The bad news kept coming for Cena the following night, though, when he revealed he suffered an elbow injury.
Next Big Win: Hell in a Cell 2013
Cena returned from injury and showed no signs of weakness as he powered out of Alberto Del Rio’s devastating Cross Armbreaker submission maneuver to win his 14th World Championship.

Editor's Choice: Who has the best arsenal in WWE?

John Cena

-Attitude Adjustment
-Belly-to-back suplex
-Top rope leg drop bulldog

Don’t you get it by now? John Cena knows exactly what he’s doing. The guy’s been around the block. He is well aware the so-called “Five Moves of Doom” won’t be making him an Internet darling anytime soon. He knows he can’t somersault like Van Dam, or fly around like Bryan, but what John Cena can do is win.

Cultivating an arsenal that inflicts as much damage on his opponent as possible with minimal risk to his own well-being, John Cena has developed a unique and underrated style that has kept him mostly off the shelf and constantly with his arm raised. Sure, the Attitude Adjustment might not be a 450 Splash, but it certainly gets the job done. And it’s a move that only John Cena can do to victims ranging from Rey Mysterio to Big Show.

John Cena knows what’s expected of him. And his brilliance isn’t in winning 8-year-olds’ hearts with wristbands and million-dollar smiles — his brilliance is in the ring, where he can be as unpredictable as Seth Rollins and as powerful as Cesaro. Watch as he hoists the largest of competitors off the mat for a belly-to-back suplex. Or, as superheavyweights brace themselves for more of John Cena’s muscle, the way he counters with a dropkick, or a hurricanrana, or even goes up to the turnbuckles to unleash something a bit more high-risk.

I recently asked John Cena if he’s felt the need to curb his style to avoid injury.

“If you broke down my technique, it wouldn’t really take a rocket scientist to do so,” he told me. “I don’t how you would take something so basic and do less.”

Sure, John Cena wants us all to believe he’s basic, though he’s anything but. John Cena’s a winner. And that’s all that matters. — ZACH LINDER

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Power Rankings: August 2 2014

John Cena is ranked No 1 in this week's edition of Power Rankings. No movement from last week.

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Back to the future: What would superstars change if they could?

WWE history is filled with iconic events that changed the tide of sports-entertainment forever. But what if one moment in time was different? What if a Superstar lost a career-defining match instead of won? What if someone said no when they should have said yes?

WWE.com asked eight WWE Superstars to name a time in their careers where a different outcome would have changed everything. From Daniel Bryan’s first decision as an aspiring Superstar to the biggest match of Dolph Ziggler’s career, these are the moments that made all the difference.

John Cena

"I’m OK with ups and downs. They make you a better person overall. I’ve lived by the philosophy, ’Don’t regret anything, be accountable for your own decisions, your success and your failures and learn from every one of them.’ I wouldn’t change any matches or outcomes. I don’t take any opportunity lightly.”

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Hulk Hogan talks about John Cena

Hulk Hogan recently joined Doug Mortman and Dave Lagreca on Busted Open. Here is what Hogan said about John Cena.

Hulk Hogan talks about John Cena and Brock Lesnar:

"Well Brock is a phenom. His credibility is over the top, but you got to realize John Cena is the man. He's the foundation of the whole company. He's the guy that they bet on and his attitude is he loves the company. He loves being on the road, he's got wrestling in his blood. And for him to be so graceful when he's tired and there's no sleep, no food and these Make-A-Wish kids come to him even for 5 minutes, he'll spend a whole day with them. His priorities are in order. No matter what whether he wins or loses he's still the man. To me, I've been around for a long time and I've done a lot to help this business, but it fails in comparison to what John Cena has done. In my opinion, John Cena is the greatest WWE champion of all time. If Brock Lesnar was to beat him, creative storyline wise yeah you have something there. I hope he knows he's got huge shoes to fill. I don't think Cena's going anywhere. I may go out there and hit Brock with a chair just so he doesn't win."

John Cena behind the scenes:

"There's more to this business than just winning the belt. This is a business. Cena is relentless. He'll go to meetings, he'll meet Wal Mart owners, shareholders I mean this guy knows what it takes to generate revenue. He can talk to anybody whether it be 4,000 shareholders, New York Stock Exchange, a group of women with breast cancer, he knows how to handle himself and he understands emotions and that's why he's my man."

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