Editor's Choice: Who has the best arsenal in WWE?

John Cena

-Attitude Adjustment
-Belly-to-back suplex
-Top rope leg drop bulldog

Don’t you get it by now? John Cena knows exactly what he’s doing. The guy’s been around the block. He is well aware the so-called “Five Moves of Doom” won’t be making him an Internet darling anytime soon. He knows he can’t somersault like Van Dam, or fly around like Bryan, but what John Cena can do is win.

Cultivating an arsenal that inflicts as much damage on his opponent as possible with minimal risk to his own well-being, John Cena has developed a unique and underrated style that has kept him mostly off the shelf and constantly with his arm raised. Sure, the Attitude Adjustment might not be a 450 Splash, but it certainly gets the job done. And it’s a move that only John Cena can do to victims ranging from Rey Mysterio to Big Show.

John Cena knows what’s expected of him. And his brilliance isn’t in winning 8-year-olds’ hearts with wristbands and million-dollar smiles — his brilliance is in the ring, where he can be as unpredictable as Seth Rollins and as powerful as Cesaro. Watch as he hoists the largest of competitors off the mat for a belly-to-back suplex. Or, as superheavyweights brace themselves for more of John Cena’s muscle, the way he counters with a dropkick, or a hurricanrana, or even goes up to the turnbuckles to unleash something a bit more high-risk.

I recently asked John Cena if he’s felt the need to curb his style to avoid injury.

“If you broke down my technique, it wouldn’t really take a rocket scientist to do so,” he told me. “I don’t how you would take something so basic and do less.”

Sure, John Cena wants us all to believe he’s basic, though he’s anything but. John Cena’s a winner. And that’s all that matters. — ZACH LINDER

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