Back to the future: What would superstars change if they could?

WWE history is filled with iconic events that changed the tide of sports-entertainment forever. But what if one moment in time was different? What if a Superstar lost a career-defining match instead of won? What if someone said no when they should have said yes? asked eight WWE Superstars to name a time in their careers where a different outcome would have changed everything. From Daniel Bryan’s first decision as an aspiring Superstar to the biggest match of Dolph Ziggler’s career, these are the moments that made all the difference.

John Cena

"I’m OK with ups and downs. They make you a better person overall. I’ve lived by the philosophy, ’Don’t regret anything, be accountable for your own decisions, your success and your failures and learn from every one of them.’ I wouldn’t change any matches or outcomes. I don’t take any opportunity lightly.”

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