What happened after Raw went off air- September 29,2014

Cena and Ambrose fought off The Wyatt Family to end the show.


Raw Results: September 29,2014

The Authority demanded Dean Ambrose return Seth Rollins' Money In The Bank Briefcase

CHICAGO – Forget hijacking Raw, The Authority has a bigger, more pertinent theft to deal with: Dean Ambrose’s burglary of the Money in the Bank briefcase on SmackDown, leaving The Authority’s crown prince temporarily without his golden ticket. Adding to their problems at the start of Raw was the threat of Brock Lesnar having to deal with Seth Rollins for his Night of Champions sneak attack, though Rollins put Paul Heyman’s mind to rest on that matter relatively early on by insisting he attacked The Beast Incarnate of his own accord.

Yet even after The Authority did manage to make contact with Ambrose, who appeared on the TitanTron and dared Rollins to get the briefcase himself, the corporate power had to contend with one more obstacle. That would be John Cena, who stormed Triple H & Co. and sent Rollins scurrying for cover for the second week straight.

John Cena and Dean Ambrose defeated Kane and Randy Orton via Disqualification 

Lesson of the night? Don’t disrespect Mr. Money in the Bank. Even when they lost, The Authority won in Raw’s main event as Seth Rollins administered his long-promised punishment to Dean Ambrose following a disqualification loss by his Authority-mates, Kane & Randy Orton, to Ambrose & John Cena. The corporate competitors certainly avenged their humiliation at Cena and Ambrose’s hands the previous week as well. After Rollins struck — moments after Ambrose planted Orton with Dirty Deeds — they took advantage of a squabble between the fan-favorites to tear the twosome apart with Chokeslams, RKOs and, as a final exclamation point, Curb Stomps for each atop the Money in the Bank briefcase itself.

Raw Results- September 22,2014

John Cena and Dean Ambrose called out Seth Rollins

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — He’s baaaaaack. One month after escaping WWE medical officials and going on the lam, Dean Ambrose has returned from his walkabout and is ready for some payback. In fact, the self-dubbed “ugly stepchild” of WWE staged a literal sit in until The Authority presented Seth Rollins for further punishment. What he got was John Cena, who similarly wanted a piece of Mr. Money in the Bank. Ambrose wasn’t exactly OK with splitting his prize down the middle and seemed more than ready to throw down with the Cenation leader as well. The Authority’s attempt to restore order led Cena and Ambrose to take matters into their own hands and chase Rollins through the bowels of the arena , until he commandeered a civilian’s car and sped away from his pursuers.

John Cena defeated Randy Orton via Disqualification

If there was ever a main event that was best for business, it’s certainly another installment of one of WWE’s most legendary rivalries. This latest, Authority-ordered clash between John Cena and Randy Orton did have a few wrinkles added, however. Seth Rollins and Kane were lurking at ringside and had set up a “surprise” for The Viper that looked suspiciously like a poorly disguised stack of what’s fast becoming The Authority’s trademark cinderblocks.

Bolstered by the presence of his compatriots, Orton controlled Cena for much of a bout that grew brutal pretty quickly; the announce table was decimated at one point and Orton all but tore the armbands off Cena’s wrist attempting to set up his hanging DDT. The Authority pounced the moment Cena seemed to have the match in hand with an STF and quickly brought the fan favorite to his knees. Yet when they prepared to unveil the cinderblocks — surprise — Dean Ambrose turned out to be lurking beneath the veil, having escaped his confinement somehow and ready to raise hell. And just as the night began, Seth Rollins made his escape by a single blond-dyed hair and faced enemies on all fronts with Cena and Ambrose both looking to get their hands on him. At this point, it’s merely a matter of who gets there first.


Night Of Champions 2014 Results

John Cena defeated WWE WorldHeavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar by disqualification 

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — John Cena brought the fight to WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar like never before at Night of Champions. Yet despite the Cenation leader’s near-superhuman tenacity against The Beast Incarnate in this massive SummerSlam rematch, redemption ultimately slipped through his fingers . Shockingly, it wasn’t Lesnar that would be his undoing.

Since Cena’s crushing defeat at Summerslam that saw him fall victim to 16 suplexes and two F-5s, the indomitable Superstar has gone into overdrive, determined to match WWE’s most dominant force with some newfound intensity of his own. Shortly after the opening bell of this titanic Night of Champions main event, it was almost hard to believe that the muscled juggernaut pummeling Lesnar was the same guy who could be found smiling at us from the Fruity Pebbles box or solving animated mysteries with Scooby Doo. Cena had become a destroyer, and if you looked close enough at Lesnar’s face during Cena’s early Attitude Adjustment, you might have noticed something that resembled doubt in The Conqueror’s eyes.

But then Lesnar kicked out. At the count of one. Things got uglier from there.

After Cena nailed The Beast with his signature maneuver, Lesnar caught the Cenation leader in the Kimura Lock, beginning his match-long attack on Cena’s left arm. Ever vigilant, Cena repeatedly battled back, unloading on Lesnar with flurries of punches and elbow strikes. Time and again, though, The Conqueror repelled the challenger’s attacks the way Godzilla shrugs off cannon fire.

With the same arsenal that left Cena in a heap at Summerslam- including savage strikes to the midsection and those wince-inducing suplexes — Lesnar tested the unyielding resolve of Mr. “Hustle, Loyalty and Respect,” removing his MMA gloves to soften up Cena with a bare-knuckle assault. But the complexion of the match changed completely when Cena somehow managed to back the champion into the ropes and nailed Lesnar with the night’s second Attitude Adjustment. This time, Lesnar kicked out at two. With a near-victory, Cena reminded the WWE Universe — and The Beast’s vocal advocate, Paul Heyman, at ringside — that Lesnar was indeed mortal.

Moments after both men groggily rose to their feet, Lesnar countered an ambitious charge by Cena into the F-5, which was reversed by Cena into the STF and then reversed yet again into the Kimura Lock, wrenching Cena’s left arm in an excruciating show of force. Showing unbelievable strength, Cena rose to his feet — while the hold was still applied — and ultimately powered out of the submission maneuver to execute a third Attitude Adjustment on his beastly foe. Cena followed up with an immediate STF in the middle of the ring, and when Lesnar refused to tap, Cena hit The Conqueror with a fourth Attitude Adjustment that, for the first time in 2014, made Lesnar very vulnerable. 

As Cena seemed prime to score his 16th World Title – a number that would have tied him with two-time WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair as the most decorated World Champion of all time – Seth Rollins stormed the ring and nailed the Cenation leader with his Money in the Bank briefcase, giving Cena the disqualification victory but, unfortunately, not the title. As the prone WWE World Heavyweight Champion slowly began to stir, still feeling the effects of Cena’s onslaught, Rollins Curb Stomped Lesnar. The Architect’s path to sports-entertainment’s grandest prize was clear: Eat. Sleep. Conquer. Retreat.

However, just as Rollins was about to capitalize on a dazed Lesnar, Cena intervened and chased off Mr. Money in the Bank, receiving an F-5 from the recovered champion for his efforts. Cena had given Lesnar the fight he promised, but it was all for naught. Thanks to Rollins, we’ll never know if Cena would have ultimately found redemption against Lesnar — a thought that no doubt plagued the Cenation leader as he recapped his bout with Lesnar in an exclusive interview on WWE.COM.  Although Night of Champions left the WWE Universe with many uncertainties, one fact remains: The Beast still rules, and he doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. 

Night Of Champions Predictions by WWE.COM Staffs

WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar Vs John Cena

Joey Styles: Brock Lesnar’s destruction of John Cena at SummerSlam was the single most lopsided World Title Match I can remember. Within the first minute of the match, Lesnar planted Cena with an F-5 and Cena never recovered. Nothing Cena hit Lesnar with could put The Beast down; not the AA, not the STF, nothing. Lesnar almost toyed with the 15-Time World Champion, bouncing the back of his head off the mat with an inhumane 16 release German suplexes. Karl Gotch, the inventor of the throw, may have been looking down from heaven feeling remorseful for his creation.

I don’t care what Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair think. I don’t care how many impassioned speeches John Cena makes about never giving up. The Brock Lesnar who returned to WWE after becoming UFC Heavyweight Champion is not the same kid who arrived in WWE after winning the NCAA heavyweight wrestling championship. He is in a class by himself. He may be unbeatable. Maybe, just maybe, someone will one day beat Brock Lesnar without having to use a steel chain, sledgehammer or steel steps, but that person will not be John Cena. WINNER: Brock Lesnar

Howard FinkelSome 30 years ago there was an individual who went into battle with the mindset of having “the eye of the tiger,” and got done what he set out to do: become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. What Hulk Hogan did that night in 1984 can be repeated by John Cena this Sunday against Brock Lesnar. As days have diminished leading to this match, I think that Cena, too, has “the eye of the tiger.” It is going to take a yeoman’s effort for Lesnar to be dethroned, but thanks, in part, to some of Paul Heyman’s diatribes, which I think got Cena riled up, I truly believe that the challenger will become the champion once again. WINNER: John Cena

Scott Taylor :John Cena never, ever gives up. The only problem is, as we saw at SummerSlam, the Cenation leader can refuse to give in and still lose. I respect the 15-time World Champion’s new, revitalized attitude, but Brock Lesnar is an once-in-a-lifetime physical specimen that can’t be stopped. It’s like Paul Heyman says: “Eat, sleep, conquer John Cena, repeat.”  WINNER: Brock Lesnar

James WortmanJohn Cena’s been on fire lately — displaying that same “Ruthless Aggression” that earned him kudos from The Undertaker back in 2002 — but facing Brock Lesnar in a WWE World Heavyweight Title rematch at this point is like leaping into a lion’s den with a sirloin strapped to your chest. Even though it’s unlikely Cena will suffer the same one-sided beating he felt at SummerSlam, look for The Beast Incarnate to come away with the victory following a suplex … or two … or 16. WINNER: Brock Lesnar

John ClappNever has there been a more fascinating World Championship rematch. Lesnar absolutely ate Cena’s lunch at SummerSlam, and you’d have to go back to Bruno Sammartino’s unseating of Buddy Rogers in 1963 to find another WWE Title Match that one-sided. The Cenation leader is famous for his toughness and his ability to withstand incredible punishment. Unfortunately for him, The Beast Incarnate doesn’t need to make someone submit to retain his title; he can knock them out just as easily. WINNER: Brock Lesnar

Brock Lesnar: 4, John Cena: 1

What happened after Raw went off air? (September 15,2014)

John Cena,Big Show and Mark Henry defeated The Wyatt Family.

Raw Results- September 15,2014

John Cena confronted Paul Heyman

LAFAYETTE, La. — The deal is this: John Cena wants a piece of Brock Lesnar, and if he doesn’t get it, Paul Heyman is the one who will pay the price. The Cenation leader conveyed as much during Heyman’s final missive before Night of Champions, threatening the WWE World Heavyweight Champion’s advocate with severe bodily harm should The Conqueror get cold feet. He even gave Lesnar a time frame to emerge from his lair: He had until “halftime,” or halfway through the show. The clock is on.

WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar confronted John Cena

It’s rare that Brock Lesnar breaks his code and fights for free. But when he does? He really, really goes for it. John Cena poked The Beast Incarnate with the sting of a thousand insults, even going so far as to threaten Paul Heyman with a beating should Lesnar refuse to answer his call. Heyman yet again attempted to goad Cena into abandoning his principles for an outright beating. Just as he did last week, Cena refused to give in to the whims of The One Behind the One in 21-1 ... until Heyman took things one step too far and caught a shove for his troubles. Right on cue, The Anomaly made his entrance and took the fight to his No. 1 contender, though he was met in such a brutal fashion by Cena that WWE security was summoned to separate the two.

John Cena's 10 Greatest Rivals

Think it’s easy being John Cena? Try holding onto your spot as the top star of the world’s biggest sports-entertainment company while Wrestling Machines, Cerebral Assassins and a certain Beast Incarnate try to knock you off your perch.
The Cenation leader has been nothing if not resilient in his time as "the man" in WWE, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t been pushed to his limit (or, as may be the case with Brock Lesnar, far beyond it) by a rogues gallery that enjoyed nothing more than putting that "Never give up" catchphrase to the test.
Which of Cena's rivals do we think have been his most worthy adversaries? Find out in our list that includes Triple H, Batista and, believe it or not, maybe even you.

What happens after Raw went off air - September 8,2014

After Raw went off air, John Cena, Mark Henry and Big Show defeat Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper and Erick Rowan. 

Raw Results- September 8,2014

John Cena confronted Paul Heyman

With each week that Brock Lesnar holds the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, Paul Heyman’s predictions for the rematch grow more and more severe. Now, according to the mad scientist, John Cena is not simply going to be conquered, he is going to be — well, actually, the WWE Universe didn’t hear what would happen because Cena cut Heyman off. As it turned out, Heyman was there to give Cena some “inside information” on how to beat Lesnar, but Cena declined Heyman’s offer (and his attempt to goad Cena into turning on the WWE Universe). Cena instead reiterated his long-standing promise to send The Beast back from where he came and to reclaim the ultimate title in the process.

Smackdown Results- September 5 2014

John Cena's Smackdown Speech escalated into a huge main event showdown

John Cena kicked off SmackDown with an impassioned message to the WWE Universe. At WWE Night of Champions the Cenation leader made it clear that he will get redemption when he faces Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship on Sept. 21.

The 15-time World Champion’s fiery speech soon produced a standoff between an all-star lineup of Superstars that WWE COO Triple H proclaimed would make for a great main event clash. As a result, it was announced that Corporate Kane, Seth Rollins, Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper & Erick Rowan would battle John Cena, Roman Reigns, Chris Jericho, Big Show & Mark Henry in a massive 10-Man Tag Team Match!

John Cena, Roman Reigns, Chris Jericho, Big Show & Mark Henry def. Seth Rollins, Kane, Luke Harper, Bray Wyatt & Erick Rowan by Disqualification

One of the biggest main events in SmackDown history didn’t disappoint as nearly 3,000 pounds of Superstars battled to the breaking point in an explosive 10-Man Tag Team Match.

The huge showdown proved to be an evenly matched contest, but SmackDown’s squared circle just couldn’t contain these fierce foes. The match eventually devolved into chaos as the referee was forced to disqualify The Wyatt Family and their cohorts for breaking up John Cena’s STF on Seth Rollins and for refusing to stop their assault. After the dust settled, the bodies of Rollins, Corporate Kane, Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper & Erick Rowan were strewn outside the ring as Cena, Roman Reigns, Chris Jericho, Big Show & Mark Henry overwhelmed their villainous rivals to fight another day. 

Content Listing for John Cena's Greatest Rivalries DVD

Below is the content listing of the new John Cena DVD,that is coming out in October.

Smackdown Spoilers- September 5 2014

John Cena opens SmackDown and talks about how everyone should stop doubting him. Cena says he is a fighter and wants to be champion. The day he doesn't want to be champion is the day he leaves. Cena wants redemption. He plugs the WWE Network and out comes  Kane with Seth Rollins. Cena tries some comedy. Roman Reigns  comes through the crowd. The lights go out and The Wyatt Family appears in the aisle. Chris Jericho's  music hits next and here he come with Mark Henry and Big Show. Triple H is out next and makes Cena, Reigns, Jericho, Henry and Show vs. Bray Wyatt , Erick Rowan , Luke Harper , Kane and Rollins for tonight's main event.

Roman Reigns, John Cena, Chris Jericho, Mark Henry and Big Show vs. The Wyatt Family, Kane and Seth Rollins was a long match. The babyfaces win by disqualification when Cena gets the hot tag and all the heels attack him. The babyfaces hit their finishers and celebrate in the ring to end SmackDown. 

Source: WrestlingInc.com

RAW Results- September 1, 2014

'The Highlight Reel' descended into a chaos

DES MOINES, Iowa — Happy Labor Day. Can we interest you in a complete dissolution of law and order? Chris Jericho’s planned interview with Randy Orton on “The Highlight Reel” quickly turned into a cluster of the highest caliber when the entire Authority emerged looking for trouble, only to get it when John Cena and Roman Reigns were provoked into joining the gathering moments later. Although the insults and threats flew left and right, Triple H did manage to maintain order — or at least delay the inevitable Pier-Six brawl — by orchestrating a Six-Man Tag Team main event of Cena, Jericho & Reigns vs. Orton, Seth Rollins & Kane later in the show. Not just because it's best for business, but to determine whom truly deserves to be No. 1 contender for the WWE World Heavyweight Title.

John Cena,Chris Jericho and Roman Reigns defeated Kane,Randy Orton and Seth Rollins

Perhaps this display was convincing enough. Since Triple H was seemingly on the fence about John Cena remaining No. 1 contender to WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar, the COO orchestrated a Six-Man Tag between his Authority henchmen and three fan favorites to determine The Beast’s best-for-business opponent.

Each man in the match acquitted himself well, particularly Randy Orton and Roman Reigns. Seth Rollins was no slouch either, working in tandem with Kane to keep Reigns at bay. Jericho nearly tapped Rollins out with the Walls of Jericho in the midst of the evening’s first six-way brawl (another would follow moments later). And Cena, of course, was the X-factor, tagging in late in the game and felling Kane with the Attitude Adjustment. The Cenation leader was so confident in his display that he allowed Reigns to finish the job with a Spear, promising Triple H face-to-face moments later that he was ready for Lesnar at Night of Champions.