Raw Results- September 15,2014

John Cena confronted Paul Heyman

LAFAYETTE, La. — The deal is this: John Cena wants a piece of Brock Lesnar, and if he doesn’t get it, Paul Heyman is the one who will pay the price. The Cenation leader conveyed as much during Heyman’s final missive before Night of Champions, threatening the WWE World Heavyweight Champion’s advocate with severe bodily harm should The Conqueror get cold feet. He even gave Lesnar a time frame to emerge from his lair: He had until “halftime,” or halfway through the show. The clock is on.

WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar confronted John Cena

It’s rare that Brock Lesnar breaks his code and fights for free. But when he does? He really, really goes for it. John Cena poked The Beast Incarnate with the sting of a thousand insults, even going so far as to threaten Paul Heyman with a beating should Lesnar refuse to answer his call. Heyman yet again attempted to goad Cena into abandoning his principles for an outright beating. Just as he did last week, Cena refused to give in to the whims of The One Behind the One in 21-1 ... until Heyman took things one step too far and caught a shove for his troubles. Right on cue, The Anomaly made his entrance and took the fight to his No. 1 contender, though he was met in such a brutal fashion by Cena that WWE security was summoned to separate the two.