Smackdown Spoilers- September 5 2014

John Cena opens SmackDown and talks about how everyone should stop doubting him. Cena says he is a fighter and wants to be champion. The day he doesn't want to be champion is the day he leaves. Cena wants redemption. He plugs the WWE Network and out comes  Kane with Seth Rollins. Cena tries some comedy. Roman Reigns  comes through the crowd. The lights go out and The Wyatt Family appears in the aisle. Chris Jericho's  music hits next and here he come with Mark Henry and Big Show. Triple H is out next and makes Cena, Reigns, Jericho, Henry and Show vs. Bray Wyatt , Erick Rowan , Luke Harper , Kane and Rollins for tonight's main event.

Roman Reigns, John Cena, Chris Jericho, Mark Henry and Big Show vs. The Wyatt Family, Kane and Seth Rollins was a long match. The babyfaces win by disqualification when Cena gets the hot tag and all the heels attack him. The babyfaces hit their finishers and celebrate in the ring to end SmackDown. 
