RAW Results- September 1, 2014

'The Highlight Reel' descended into a chaos

DES MOINES, Iowa — Happy Labor Day. Can we interest you in a complete dissolution of law and order? Chris Jericho’s planned interview with Randy Orton on “The Highlight Reel” quickly turned into a cluster of the highest caliber when the entire Authority emerged looking for trouble, only to get it when John Cena and Roman Reigns were provoked into joining the gathering moments later. Although the insults and threats flew left and right, Triple H did manage to maintain order — or at least delay the inevitable Pier-Six brawl — by orchestrating a Six-Man Tag Team main event of Cena, Jericho & Reigns vs. Orton, Seth Rollins & Kane later in the show. Not just because it's best for business, but to determine whom truly deserves to be No. 1 contender for the WWE World Heavyweight Title.

John Cena,Chris Jericho and Roman Reigns defeated Kane,Randy Orton and Seth Rollins

Perhaps this display was convincing enough. Since Triple H was seemingly on the fence about John Cena remaining No. 1 contender to WWE World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar, the COO orchestrated a Six-Man Tag between his Authority henchmen and three fan favorites to determine The Beast’s best-for-business opponent.

Each man in the match acquitted himself well, particularly Randy Orton and Roman Reigns. Seth Rollins was no slouch either, working in tandem with Kane to keep Reigns at bay. Jericho nearly tapped Rollins out with the Walls of Jericho in the midst of the evening’s first six-way brawl (another would follow moments later). And Cena, of course, was the X-factor, tagging in late in the game and felling Kane with the Attitude Adjustment. The Cenation leader was so confident in his display that he allowed Reigns to finish the job with a Spear, promising Triple H face-to-face moments later that he was ready for Lesnar at Night of Champions.