5 Wrestlers that should win Royal Rumble 2015

Royal Rumble guarantees a wrestler's chance at main eventing Wrestlemania. A carefully picked wrestler should win the Royal Rumble next year. The question is,WHO WILL BE THE ONE? 

5) Cody Rhodes

Cody Rhodes is definitely a main event player. He is one wrestler that deserves to win the 2015 Royal Rumble. He is capable of putting up main event worthy matches. One example will be his match with Goldust against The Shield at Battleground 2013. Winning the Royal Rumble next year,will bring his career to a whole new level. He will get to shine in the grandest stage of them all. 

4)Damien Sandow 

Damien Sandow is one of the talents wasted by WWE. He has so much of skills but unfortunately all of them are being wasted... Winning the Royal Rumble next year and going on to the main event of Wrestlemania 31,will definitely show the WWE Universe what Sandow is made of. WWE can actually mould him to be one of the best heels in the business. 

3) Cesaro 

The Newest Paul Heyman guy,Cesaro has been impressive so far ever since he debuted in WWE in 2012. Putting up AWESOME matches that got the WWE Universe chanting,"This Is Awesome!". Going on to the main event of  Wrestlemania 31 and winning the WWE World Heavyweight title will be his biggest acheivement in his entire WWE career. He is one of the best wrestlers in WWE currently. 

2) Roman Reigns 

At Royal Rumble 2015,The Shield would definitely have had broken up so it will be time for this man to shine and go on to the main event of Wrestlemania 31. Roman Reigns set a new record at Royal Rumble this year when he eliminated 12 other men and this was his FIRST Royal Rumble match in his entire career. Impressive performance by the big man. He was the crowd's favourite to win the match. Unfortunately, he didn't win it.. He has proven that he can outshine in the rumble match. If he wins the Rumble match,that will definitely boost his career. 

1) CM Punk

WWE Champ? Checked. Money In The Bank winner? Checked. Gone to the main event of Wrestlemania? Nope. Ever since Royal Rumble this year,CM Punk has not appeared in any WWE shows. As sources states,the reason he went missing was because of Batista winning the Royal Rumble. He didn't like the idea of part timers winning the Royal Rumble. He actually had a point there though. I would have preferred CM Punk winning the Rumble to Batista winning it. CM Punk has achieved almost everything in WWE but sadly,he has not main evented Wrestlemania before. In my opinion,he should main event Wrestlemania before he retires. He actually deserves it. I believe that he will return before this year ends. 

Do you have any other wrestlers in your mind,that is capable of winning the Royal Rumble next year? If you do,tweet it to me @RealTeamCena_.