A New Member in Evolution

Evolution is one of the most dominant factions in WWE consisting of 4 people. Ric Flair,Triple H,Randy Orton and Batista. Evolution was formed in 2003 and it disbanded in 2005. However now in 2014,Evolution has reunited. This time without Ric Flair. Without Ric Flair now,Triple H will most probably take the 'Veteran' role of Evolution. Randy Orton and Batista will take the role of Triple H when Evolution debuted. In my opinion I felt that,Evolution played a huge role in Orton's and Batista's career. Currently there are only 3 superstars in Evolution. A fourth member is needed to complete it. So who should be the one?

Dolph Ziggler

WWE has really dropped the ball on Ziggler. Instead of giving him MAJOR title shots,they are giving him losses in the mid card scene. For goodness sake,he is actually an A plus player. He has the skills and charisma so I really don't get why WWE is treating him this way. If they want Ziggler's career to get back on track,a good way will be to have Ziggler join Evolution as the fourth member. Ziggler was a good HEEL once so, without doubt he can actually fit the role as a fourth member in Evolution. Being in Evolution,also brings Ziggler back to where he belongs,the MAIN EVENT SCENE. This will also elevate his career. 

Damien Sandow

Damien Sandow is another talent that WWE has been misusing. The biggest achievement in Sandow's career, was his Money In The Bank win in 2013. He shocked almost everyone in the world by winning the briefcase. I was also actually shocked when i saw Sandow failing to cash in his briefcase. With him joining Evolution,he will basically get any title shots since he has Triple H's backing. This will undoubtedly bring his career to a whole new level. Sandow has what it takes to be a main event player so I don't mind him being in Evolution as a fourth member. 

This article is solely based on my thoughts and opinions. If you have any feedbacks,tweet it to me @RealTeamCena_ 

Article written by: Prateep