Mick Foley talks about John Cena

Mick Foley posted the following on Facebook with thoughts on the John Cena character. 

As many of you know, I have also been a vocal supporter of John Cena. I genuinely like John as a person, and have defended him many times as a wrestler. It's easy to defend Cena against the looping haymakers thrown by most detractors: he can't wrestle, he has only three moves, he's been carried by great opponents. But there's this one knock on Cena for which I have no defense. It's not a looping haymaker, that can be seen, countered and sent right back at the claimant. No, it's more like a stiff jab that sneaks through even the best pro-Cena defense. A stiff jab of honesty from which there is no countering, avoiding or evading. A stiff jab that continually states that the Cena character is stale. I agree, It's time for a change.

Source: WrestlingInc.COM