RAW Results (14 April 2014)

John Cena challenged Bray Wyatt to a Steel Cage Match at Extreme Rules

What’s a WrestleMania loss to Bray Wyatt? Apparently not much; being pinned on The Grandest Stage of Them All by John Cena hasn’t done much to diminish The Eater of Worlds’ mission to expose what would be the most precious sheep in his flock. “He is no man,” said Wyatt, “he is beast!” Vowing to give his foe the last push into monstrousness, Bray beckoned Cena to “come out and play” and that’s exactly what happened. While Cena was all jokes at first, Wyatt's demand for him to get serious brought out a challenge for a Steel Cage Match at Extreme Rules. Needless to say,The Eater Of Worlds are it up. 
