Paul Heyman is the greatest manager

Paul Heyman is arguably one of the greatest managers in sports entertainment history however some people may not agree with me when I say that. When I say that,I definitely have evidences to back it up. This article will state the evidences.

Paul Heyman's facial expressions can tell a story perfectly. If he desperately wants his client to win,his facial expressions will say it. He has the menacing look. The ways he react to his clients losing and winning are also very realistic. A perfect example will be Brock Lesnar's win at Wrestlemania 30. That facial reaction that Heyman gave when Lesnar pinned Taker, was priceless! 

Paul Heyman can create a trend out of a client's win. He will keep emphasizing on a win and there will be no ending to it. That's what I love about Paul Heyman.  One recent example will be Brock Lesnar conquering the streak at Wrestlemania 30. Because of that win,he started a revolution by saying,"My Client Brock Lesnar conquered the streak" on Raw and Smackdown,continuously. From that statement,people started creating memes, hashtag on Twitter and etc. Here are some examples: 

Paul Heyman knows how to handle a situation correctly. If you don't like a wrestler winning,Paul Heyman can somehow make you think that the wrestler winning,was a correct thing by delivering a solid promo on the mic. He is the best talker in WWE,in my opinion. As Chris Jericho said, "He's a master at writing promos and at delivering promos." In my opinion,there's no one better than Paul Heyman on the mic. 

Paul Heyman has brought almost every of his clients to greater heights,as a manager. Paul Heyman was there when Curtis Axel won his first title in WWE. Paul Heyman was there when Brock Lesnar conquered the streak. Paul Heyman was there when CM Punk's historic 434 days title reign ended. Paul Heyman was there RVD won his first ever WWE championship. And the list goes on.  

After reading this article,do you agree with me that Paul Heyman is the greatest manager in sports entertainment history?

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Article by: Prateep

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