Two Superstars John Cena should feud with:

In sometime this year,John Cena has made it a point to say that he is the "Measuring Stick" in WWE. This means that if anyone wants to be a bigger star in WWE,they have to get past him. Sadly,John Cena's time as the champion is over. However instead of chasing after the WWE World Heavyweight Championship,John Cena is currently feuding with younger talents. One evidence will be Bray Wyatt. Bray Wyatt is evolving into one of the top heels in WWE currently, ever since he started feuding with John Cena. Many people are becoming a fan of his promos too. At Payback,it will most probably be the end of the Cena/Bray Wyatt feud. So after the feud is over,who should John Cena feud with? In this article,there are 2 potential superstars that I think,could start feud with the biggest Face of WWE,John Cena.

 Big E

At sometime this year,Big E lost his IC Title to Bad News Barrett. Now that he has lost the title,I've got a feeling that WWE is going to turn him into a jobber soon. In my opinion,that shouldn't happen. Big E has the tools for becoming a top star in WWE and that should not be wasted. A rivalry with John Cena will definitely boost his career. Big E was once a Heel and he worked well in the Heel role. So a Heel Big E feud with John Cena will work. 

WWE can do the same thing they did to Ryback last year. However Ryback's push did not last long but I am pretty confident that it will work for Big E. 

If WWE really wants to boost Big E's career,they can consider putting him in a feud with John Cena.


There's no doubt that WWE has high hopes for Rusev. Rusev has made an impact in WWE ever since he debuted. To make a bigger impact,Rusev should target John Cena. This feud can take place after Cena's feud with Bray Wyatt is over. Bray Wyatt was once an ordinary heel but now it is different. Bray Wyatt is arguably one of the best heels in WWE,currently. 

Therefore a feud with John Cena will definitely make Rusev one of the biggest heels in WWE now. Targeting John Cena will skyrocket Rusev's career and eventually lead to Rusev chasing after the gold. 

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Article Written by: Prateep