Time.com names 15 wrestlers to '100 Most Obsessed-Over People on the Web'

Each year, TIME names “The 100 Most Influential People in the World,” a subjective list likely based entirely on editorial partiality. This prompted Chris Wilson, an interactive graphics editor at TIME.com, to conduct a more quantitative analysis of “influence in the world,” which he then used to name “The 100 Most Obsessed-Over People on the Web.”

Turns out 15 percent of the top individuals on the list were former or current WWE Superstars, including Hulk Hogan (No. 17), John Cena (No. 34) and Triple H (No. 86).

Using mostly data culled from Wikipedia.org, Wilson notes, “One of the most curious findings is that professional wrestlers have amazingly detailed Wikipedia pages that often surpass heads of state in their breadth and detail.”
